The main activities of the EILEEN project between September 2014 and August 2016 are:
- Exploring existing approaches to enhance and validate intercultural competences in European enterprises;
- Investigating the specific needs of enterprises for hosting interns with a different cultural background;
- Developing the EILEEN validation system based on the proven LEVEL5 for assessing and validating intercultural and entrepreneurial competences of young people and their host entrepreneurs;
- Developing training modules on intercultural topics for multipliers in European enterprises and testing these modules with interested European entrepreneurs in a European training course;
- Developing training modules for young (unemployed) people on intercultural topics aiming at preparing them to take part in a European internship in the participating enterprises;
- Organizing traineeships as open learning projects with multipliers and interns in the participating companies ;
- Validating competence developments of both host enterprises and interns by means of the well proven validation system LEVEL5;
- Developing and promoting a European label “Welcoming European Enterprise” connected to defined quality criteria.
- Launching a European Award on innovative initiatives to promote intercultural learning in European businesses.