Category Archives: Allgemein

WEE Label – European Quality Label

weelcome_blau_FINALDo you represent a European organisation that promotes intercultural diversity and a welcoming culture?
Let your customers and (future) employees know about it and use the WEE label!

The EILEEN team has designed the WEE Label as a European quality label for European enterprises that promote intercultural diversity and a welcoming culture.  Find out how to obtain it here.

And the award goes to …

befunky-collage1On 09.09.16 during the final conference in Athens the winners of the EILEEN award were celebrated and presented their trophies and certificates. The main prize of the award was the trip to the final conference. The winners were given the opportunity to present their projects to the audience.

The three winners are:

  • Swiss Approval Technische Bewertung S.A., Athens, Greece
  • Intermobil – Intercultural competence training for SMEs hosting European mobilities, Erasmus+ Project, presented by FH JOHANNEUM, Graz, Austria
  • EasyDoesIT – A project idea, presented by G. Anna Rodriguez, Marseille, France

Find out more about their projects here.

Final conference in Athens

AthenThe EILEEN consortium is organising its final conference on 09.09.2016 in Athens.
The conference will offer a platform to present all main outcomes of the project and to discuss changes and challenges of intercultural teams in European enterprises. In various workshops some of the EILEEN outpus will be presented and tried out.

Award winners of the EILEEN award will be celebrated and will present their innovative projects on intercultural learning.

Please find the conference programme here.

EILEEN Award – Deadline extended!

Ceremony_VYour chance to submit your project on intercultural learning!

Use this last chance to submit your contribution to the EILEEN Award. The deadline is extended to July 31st. 2016.

Present your project or initiative and show us in how far it promotes the development of intercultural competences and the assessment of learning outcomes within this specific competence area.

Find all details here.

Our way to a welcoming European enterprise

winners klein_iEILEEN Award

A competition that aims to promote intercultural learning in European businesses

The motto: Our way to a welcoming European enterprise

In the framework of our EILEEN project we are looking for innovative initiatives and activities that promote the development of intercultural competences in an innovative way.

The prize: A 2-day trip to Athens in September 2016.

Find out the details here.


EILEEN multiplier events

cropped-PB261263.jpgIn these weeks the EILEEN partner will inaugurate the piloting phase with a series of multiplier events. These aim to make our potential learners familiar with our training and validation offer and  with the benefits of having learning outcomes validated.
If you are interested to take part in one of the event, please check where our partners are based and get into contact to find out the date.

Training on intercultural competences

The EILEEN team is about to finalise the training modules to enhance ‪#‎intercultural‬ and ‪#‎mentoring‬ competences in European enterprises. The team will meet in two weeks in Madrid to plan the piloting phase that will start in early 2016!

We look for enterprises that are ready to host a young person and we look for young people that are ready to do an intership abroad.

More details will follow. So stay tuned!

EILEEN presented in international conference in Mechelen, Belgium ‪

mechelen_180915On 18.09. EILEEN was presented in an international conference with participants from all over Europe in the framework of the PROVIDE project ( dealing with promoting the development and validation of key competences of educationalists.
Sabine from the EILEEN team explained the main idea and invited interested participants to get involved – either as hosting institutions or as multipliers for dissemination and networking.